Headewr GNC

Best Practices

Best Practices

 Best Practice Session


Activities of Best Practices

Activities of Best Practice-I

1. Glimpses of Promoting Heritage, Culture, Sports and Social Values among the Students During 2017-18

2. Glimpses of Promoting Heritage, Culture, Sports and Social Values among the Students During 2018-19

3. Glimpses of Promoting Heritage, Culture, Sports and Social Values among the Students During 2019-20

4. Glimpses of Promoting Heritage, Culture, Sports and Social Values among the Students During 2020-21

5. Glimpses of Promoting Heritage, Culture, Sports and Social Values among the Students During 2021-22

6. Glimpses of Promoting Heritage, Culture, Sports and Social Values among the Students During 2022-23

7. Glimpses of Promoting Heritage, Culture, Sports and Social Values among the Students During 2023-24

8. Sports Achievments

9. Cultural Achievments

Activities of Best Practice-II

1. Glimpses of Awareness for Environment Conservation and Preservation During 2017-18

2. Glimpses of Awareness for Environment Conservation and Preservation During 2018-19

3. Glimpses of Awareness for Environment Conservation and Preservation During 2019-20

4. Glimpses of Awareness for Environment Conservation and Preservation During 2020-21

5. Glimpses of Awareness for Environment Conservation and Preservation During 2021-22

6. Glimpses of Awareness for Environment Conservation and Preservation During 2022-23

7. Glimpses of Awareness for Environment Conservation and Preservation During 2023-24

8. Save Birds Feed Birds Project